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Thomas, Alan “Making sense of reality – from sensors to decisions” - 2015 Advanced Engineering Open Conference, Birmingham, Nov 2015


Thomas, Alan  “Reality is not ideal: Autonomy and Driver Assistance challenges” - Autonomous Vehicle Test & Development Symposium, Stuttgart June 2015




Thomas A V,  Martens M H  “Driver Behavior Interface Test Equipment – D-BITE and the RoadSense Project” Measuring Behavior 2005, 5th International Conference on Methods and Techniques in Behavioral Research, 30 Aug – 2 Sept 2005, Wageningen, The Netherlands


Thomas, Alan V “The RoadSense Project - Safe Operation at the Human-Vehicle Interface” Vehicle Safety 2004, IMechE, London Dec 14-15 2004


Thomas, Alan & Nathan, Florence “RoadSense - ROad Awareness for Driving via a Strategy that Evaluates Numerous SystEms” Briefing, EUCAR SGI, Brussels, 22 Sept 2004


Thomas, Alan, RoadSense Seminar and static demonstration, FFA GmbH, Aachen, July 15th 2004 [organisation, execution & presentations]


Thomas, A V, "Identifying New Testing Criteria To Reflect New Technologies For Application in Automotive Safety", Centaur /The Engineer Conferences: Automotive Innovations for Advanced Electronic Driver Assistance & Active Safety Systems, Frankfurt 18-19 May 2004 (event cancelled)


Thomas A, Mercier-Handisyde P, Nathan D, Fu S, Priez, Chin “RoadSense Project: - Techniques & Methods to Optimise Human-Vehicle Interaction Strategies” 10th ITS World Congress, 16-20th November 2003, Madrid


Steidler S M, Thomas A V -  [title to be confirmed]   Internationales Fachtagung Swissbonding, Räpperswil ZH, Schweiz.  200x

RoadSense Workshop at Intelligent Transportation Systems World Congress, 20th November 2003, Madrid.– [organisation, execution & presentations]


Thomas. Alan V “In-depth Pedestrian Crash Investigation & Analysis” DfT Foresight Vehicle/Loughborough University Ergonomics & Safety Research Institute Project Workshop, Loughborough Innovation Centre, Loughborough University, 3rd April 2003


Howard M, Thomas A, Koch W, Watson J, Hardy R “Validation & Application of a Finite Element Pedestrian Humanoid Model for Use in Pedestrian Accident Simulations” Nottingham University Composites Club Workshop, Cranfield University, 1 May 2002


Howard M, Thomas A, Koch W, Watson,J, Hardy R - Validation & Application of a Finite Element  Pedestrian Humanoid Model for Use in Pedestrian Accident Simulations, First Coventry University Colloquium on Pedestrian Impact Protection, 29 Nov 2001


Thomas, A.V., Koch, W., "Pedestrian Safety Research" Lecture for Accident & Emergency Registrars, Nottingham University Queens Medical Centre, Nottingham, October 2001


Thomas, Alan V “Advanced Devices for Pedestrian Protection - How could they be tested?“ European Vehicle Passive Safety Network, Brussels, 5 Sept 2001


Thomas, A.V, Staines B, “ Application of Pedestrian Standards in a Front Wheel Drive Volume Car Scenario”  VDA Technische Kongreß 2001, Verein der Deutsch Automobilindustri, Bad Homburg, 26-27 Marz 2001


Showler, S. & Thomas, A.V., briefing and presentation for Sir Nick Scheele Keynote Address, VDA Technische Kongreß 2001, Verein der Deutsch Automobilindustri, Bad Homburg, 26-27 Marz 2001


Schneider, W., Thomas, A.V., "Active Safety Systems - ACEA´s Approach Towards Improved Pedestrian Protection", European Commission Pubic Hearing on Draft Proposed Pedestrian Protection Directive, Brussels, 6  Feb 2001


Howard M.S, Thomas A.V, Koch W, Hardy R, Watson J, “Validation and Application of a Finite Element Pedestrian Humanoid Model for use in Pedestrian Accident Simulations” 2000 International IRCOBI conference on the Biomechanics of Impact, Montpelier, France, September 2000


Thomas, A.V. "Car to Pedestrian Impact Performance: - Preparing to Meet Proposed Legislation" Safety Technology & Crash Testing, 10-11 April 2000, London


Howard M.S, Thomas A.V, Philipps M, Friesen F, “A Systematic Modelling and Testing Methodology to Characterise Vehicle Components under Pedestrian Impact Conditions”  final report for partly government funded research project, Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Forschung des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, February 2000




Howard M, Thomas A, Eine Integrierte Methode für wirklichleitsgetreue Forschung im Bereich Fußgängerschutz‘ (An Integrated Approach to Real World Pedestrian Safety Research)  8.Aachener Kolloquium Fahrzeug- und Motorentechnik, 4-6 October 1999, Aachen


Howard M S, Thomas  A, “Pedestrian Safety Research - Past, Present, Future”, Euromotor Tagung Crashworthiness - Crash Tests - Simulations, Institut für Kraftfahrwesen Aachen, RWTH Aachen, December 1998.


Payne A R, Green J, Thomas A, Midoun D, ‘The Effect of Hybrid III Lower Leg Kinematics on Loading Mechanisms and Injury Criteria’ Paper Number 98-S1-O-16, Proc. 16th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles, Windsor, Ontario, Canada, May 31- June 4, 1998


Payne A R, Lawson A R, Hall A R, Green J, Thomas A, Midoun, D ‘Parametric Study on the Effect of the Footwell Geometry, Dynamic Intrusion and Occupant Location on Hybrid III Lower Leg Injury’ Paper Number 98-Sl-P-05, Proc. 16th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles, Windsor, Ontario, Canada, May 31- June 4, 1998




Buchanan J A, McKie T, Hall A R, Green J, Thomas A, Midoun D ‘Development of a Hybrid Iii Lower Leg Computer Model’ Paper Number 98-S9-O-07, Proc. 16th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles, Windsor, Ontario, Canada, May 31- June 4, 1998



Thomas, A.V, “Integrated Structural Analysis using PATRAN and User-written Routines”, First North European PATRAN User Association Conference, Stratford-upon-Avon, U.K.,1987




Emerson W.C, Fowler, J.E, ‘The Application of Computer Simulations in Vehicle Safety’ Fifth International Technical Conference on Experimental Safety Vehicles, 1974 [contributed Side Impact section]


Finch P, report on The British Leyland Experimental Safety Vehicle Projects,  Fifth International Technical Conference on Experimental Safety Vehicles, Oxford, 1974 [contributed Side Impact simulation section]


Finch P, report on The British Leyland Experimental Safety Vehicle Projects, Fourth International Technical Conference on Experimental Safety Vehicles, 1973


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